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Glowing Comments on Ibrahim from Davies Bisset

Hello everyone,

We take particular pride in passing along good news about our Opportunity Fund scholar, Ibrahim al Aboosi, as he makes his way through his junior year at King's Academy. King's new Development Director Davies Bissett (Brown '86) recently wrote to tell us about a wonderful lunch meeting:

"...I did want to tell you and Perry that I had the best lunch today with Ibrahim.  What an outstanding young man!  I’ve been “threatening” to meet him since Perry first told me about Ibrahim’s very challenging background and then, of course, the advancement team all said the same glowing things about him. 

It was great to finally spend time with him and, true to his reputation, I already received an email from him thanking me for spending time with him at lunch.  He is a class act and when you think about where he is now, after such a challenging life, it is truly a miracle. 

But that’s the power of King’s Academy, right? 

At lunch, Ibrahim told me that he is so grateful for the support of the Deerfield Class of 1980 and really feels special honor has been bestowed on him.  He also knows that you are all looking out for him and following his progress at King’s, and he doesn’t want to let you down.  He is really something else.  I wish that all our scholarship donors took as personal an interest in their scholars as the Deerfield Class of 1980 does with Ibrahim….(some do, for sure, but the 1980 group goes above and beyond)."

More to come, including some really impressive Teacher Reviews.

All the best from the Opportunity Fund,

Perry Vella

Steve Casey

Chip Smith

Pam Skripak

Jim Butz

Christian McClellan

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